Useful links
This section mostly concerns CMS and CERN users. Many require authorization (*); some require grid certificate (**) to access.
For some links, a short description of the website is shown if you hover over it with your mouse.
Management of datasets and related resources
- CMS Data Aggregation System (DAS)**
- Physics Data and Monte Carlo Validation (PdmV)
- Primary production campaigns
- Cross Section Database (XSDB)
- Computing Resource Information Catalog (CRIC)
- CMS generator files
- CMS Run registry*
- Campaign descriptions
- correctionlib repository
- A further reduction in CMS event data for analysis: the NANOAOD format (CHEP 2018)
- GitHub repository
- Changelog
- Summary of integration builds (IBs)
- Official documentation
- LXR search engine
Databases and monitoring
- CMS Conditions database*
- BRIL Work Suite*
- Grafana-based CMS Monitoring*
- CMS tier monitoring
- LHC Programme Coordination
- Outlook*
- CMS Talk*
- CMS PubTalk*
- Mattermost*
- Indico*
- CERNBox*
- CodiMD*
- e-groups*
- CMS document database*
- Jira*
- CERN Service Portal
- CERN Phonebook*
- Affiliations of LHC collaborators
- Doodle-style polling*
CERN account management
- Account management*
- Electronic Document Handling (EDH)*
- CERN user portal*
- CERN application portal*
- EPR pledges*
Publications and conferences
- CMS TWiki*
- iCMS*
- CMS publications
- Search engine for CMS publications
- Search engine for ATLAS publications
- Rivet analysis coverage*
Code and data repositories
- CERN GitLab*
- Inference tools
- CMS Jet developers
- CMS Tau ID developers
- CMS LUMI developers
- CMS data
Information hubs
- CERN web hosting
- EOS quickstart
- EOS documentation
- Linux @ CERN
- CERN OpenStack Private Cloud Guide
- Authorization services
- AFS access policy and configuration guidelines
Dashboards and visualization tools
Dataset management
- Main PdmV TWiki*
- MC production campaigns*
- Known issues in centrally produced MC*
- Python API for DAS*
- Facilities and services
Data tiers
POGs and PAGs
TWiki pages for Physics Objects Groups (POGs) and Physics Analysis Groups (PAGs):
TWiki pages for LHC Higgs Working Groups (LHCHWGs):
- Higgs boson branching ratios
- Higgs boson production cross sections (13 TeV)
- LHC Higgs WG4 (formerly known as HH subgroup)
Cross sections
- Single and double \(V\) boson production at 13 TeV*
- \(t\bar{t}\) production
- Single top quark production
- Single top + Higgs at 13 TeV*
Software and tools
- SCRAM building suite
- Examples of using LUM tools*
- Cross section database (XSDB) tool*
- Utilities for accessing pileup information for data*
- Instructions for setting up BRIL tools*
- Procedure for approving physics results*
- Instructions for setting up the repository for your paper or note*
- CMS Publication Committee (PubComm)*
- Guidelines for citing generator tools*
- Guidelines for formatting plots*
Miscellaneous and external links
- Long term LHC schedule
- Particle Data Group (PDG)
- CERN analysis preservation
- Belle II analysis software framework (basf2) (documentation)
For the purpose of recording a piece of history, this section lists links that have now been deprecated: